Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Sunset Limited

So, you're inside on a snowy day and wondering what to do.  How about watching a good movie?  Have you seen The Sunset Limited?

It has two actors in one room for an hour and a half.  If that sounds boring, consider this - the actors happen to be Samuel L. Jackson and Tommy Lee Jones.  Sound interesting?  If you have HBO on Demand or (I am guessing here) Netflix, you'll find The Sunset Limited worth your time.  Check it out.

Here's what Rotten Tomatoes says about it:

 A God-fearing ex-con (Samuel L. Jackson) saves a despondent college professor (Tommy Lee Jones) from throwing himself in front of a speeding subway train, and struggles to comprehend the suicidal man's unwavering despair during a series of intense philosophical debates. Adapted from the play by Cormac McCarthy (All the Pretty Horses, The Road).

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