Thursday, February 28, 2013

Are you a low information voter?

We're into the second month of second Obama term and tomorrow the sequestration cuts will hit some Americans hard.  Even political liberals and Obama supporters are frustrated with the lack of leadership from the White House.  So, who's to blame?

How about the low information voters who gave Obama four more years?

Amherst student and Obama volunteer Lawrence Pevsner wrote in the Huffington Post about low information voters (LIVs).  Rush Limbaugh has been talking about them for months

As Pevsner explains, LIVs are generally undecided voters who don't follow the candidates, the campaigns, and most importantly, the issues.  Arguably, with millions of fewer votes cast in the 2012 elections, LIVs were an important block in Obama's winning coalition.

So, we have a president who won't lead elected by people who weren't informed.  The result: we have a president who is making cuts that are calculated to harm Americans.  This isn't just my view.  Last night on CNN, David Gergen, left-leaning professor at the Kennedy School for Government said as much.  He called what the president is doing "despicable."

The renowned journalist Bob Woodward has been threatened by the White House for saying what is demonstrably true - that sequestration was Obama's idea.

So, have you been following all this?  Or are you a low information voter?

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